Social Care Ireland Training Grant

The Irish Association of Social Care Management Special Interest Group (IASCM SIG), under the auspices of Social Care Ireland, is the professional body representing Social Care Management from the Statutory, Voluntary, and Private sectors of Residential Care for Children and Vulnerable Adults in Ireland.

The IASCM SIG, in support of SCI members, and through funding generated by the Garda Vetting Service operated by the IASCM SIG, has developed a Grants System to assist in the continued professional development of its members, both at Management level and within a team setting.

What we will award Training Grants for:
The aim of the Grant System is to assist Social Care Professionals, either individually or as a team, to acquire skills/knowledge to meet the needs of the young people/adults for whom they care through additional training/consultation/mediation.

Based on our funding, we will award small grants to assist teams/individuals to pay for training. We have a limited number of grants to award each year. The maximum grant per application is €300.

Grants will be awarded for training/team-building projects, which are relevant to continued professional development and/or specific to improving the knowledge/skills of the team as considered by management.

All grant applications will be adjudicated by the IASCM SIG at our meetings and the final decision rests with the SIG. The IASCM SIG meet every quarter, so depending on when we receive your application it may take up to six weeks to process.

Applicants who meet the criteria are not guaranteed an award. Based on the current level of funding, we have a limited number of grants available per year.

How to apply:
Please email to request a Training Grant Application Form. Once the Application Form has been received, it will be reviewed by the IASCM SIG. You will be notified by email when a decision has been reached regarding your application.

Terms and Conditions:

1. You must be a current paid up member of Social Care Ireland.
2. Grants must be spent or used for the purpose for which they were awarded.
3. You may be asked to help us evaluate the usefulness of the scheme/feedback.
4. Any payments will be made by EFT.

Your signed Application Form implies acceptance of the above conditions.


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