Disability SIG
About The Group
The Special Interest Group is a group of Social Care Workers/Leaders in the Disability sector, with a common practice interest. It was established under the auspices of Social Care Ireland to support the interests, activities and advancement of Social Care Workers/Leaders. It aims to promote the identity of Social Care in Disability services, as well as promote best practice for Social Care in Disability services. The Special Interest Group aims to provide a voice for Social Care Workers/Leaders in the Disability sector, and to advocate on common issues, as well as share information and support with peers.
The Special Interest Group aims to provide a voice for Social Care Workers/Leaders in the Disability sector, and to advocate on common issues, as well as share information and support with peers.
Terms of Reference
Read the full terms of reference
For more information on Social Care Ireland CPD contact specialinterestgroupdisability@gmail.com
.The Disability SIG purpose
- The Special Interest Group is responsible for advocating for the professionalisation of the discipline of Social Care in Disability Services.
- To encourage, promote, facilitate and support the advancement of Social Care in the Disability sector.
- To be proactive and take responsibility for information gathering, and to participate in policy development specific to Social Care in Disability specific services.
- To recognise current and emerging issues and trends of relevance to Social Care Workers/Leaders, and discuss the impact of those issues and trends.
- To support Social Care Workers/Leaders in the disability sector, in respect of participating in Continued Professional Development, by having input in the provision of relevant training and development.
- To provide an important communication link and point of direct contact for the Social Care Workers/Leaders in Disability services.
Current Officers
- Christine Barretto - Chair
- Amy McGrath - Vice Chair
- Grace O`Flynn - Secretary
- Antonia Kenny - Vice Secretary
Current Members
- Aishling Lambe
- Antoinette Behan
- Deborah Gill
- Carmel Shaughessy