Guide to the Standards of Proficiency for Social Care Workers

These five ebooks are a professional response to the standards of proficiency, written entirely by social care workers for students, workers and educators. Here the voice of social care workers is at the centre of each standard of proficiency, providing a valid, meaningful and practice-rich discussion.

The book has a single chapter on each of the eighty proficiencies. Each chapter represents the writer’s understanding of the proficiency they have chosen and offers insights into the context in which they work, their professional relationships, and how these shape their professional identity as social care workers. A lot of practice is performed intuitively and draws on personal and professional knowledge and experience built up over a lifetime. The standards of proficiency are portrayed as a threshold framework for creative and informed practice that views service users as central to social care work. Here the worlds of practice, policy, research and regulation are brought into much closer proximity, presented as an integrated practice.

The keywords and language of the proficiency are explored and considered though a social care lens anchored in practice. A unique section of each chapter is called ‘Social Care is …’, in which the author explains what social care practice means to them, based on their knowledge and experience. The aim here is to provide as many perspectives as possible on what this evolving profession means to social care workers. Reflections of practice are drawn upon from the ‘coal-face’ using fictional case studies to maximise students’ engagement with the proficiency. The final section of each chapter contains ‘Tips for Practice Educators’ with a focus on how they might teach the proficiency as practice educators, using practical exercises, reflective questions, quotes and points to consider.

The social care workers involved have given their time and expertise to help strengthen the profession and their contributions are a testament to their competence, generosity, passion and pride in social care work.

Download the ebooks below


Chapter 67: This is a short 15 minute presentation on the SKIP Model for social care, which as introduced in Domain 5 Guide to the Standards of proficiency for social care workers.

More video resources will be added as they become available.

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