Children’s Rights Alliance – New Project Announcement!

Children’s Rights Alliance is delighted to announce the launch of a new project funded by the EU Commission which the Children’s Rights Alliance is undertaking in partnership with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Tusla the Child and Family Agency, Eurochild, the University of Galway, and Foróige.

Project Summary:

Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on children and young people across Europe. Pandemic restrictions have led to school closures, the curtailment of services and parental unemployment. Consequently, many children have experienced increased exposure to abuse, neglect, poverty, hunger, social exclusion and mental health difficulties. Certain groups of children have been disproportionately affected including, children in care, children with disabilities and refugee/migrant/ethnic minority children, including Travellers and Roma. The cumulative impact of the Covid-19 measures will have major implications for a generation of children and young people across Europe. However, poor outcomes are not inevitable.

This project will examine the effect of the pandemic measures on activities and services for children and young people through consultations with groups that were disproportionately impacted. By working with youth researchers, Ireland will be used as a case study to document how child participation structures worked during the pandemic. Best practice in Covid-19 responses in Europe will be identified, and the project will explore how Child Rights Impact Assessments (CRIAs) can embed a children’s rights approach, including during times of emergency. A prototype CRIA and training supports aimed at embedding children’s rights will be developed.

The project will support the pandemic recovery and lead to changes in activities and services for children and young people by building a coalition for a Covid-19 recovery involving the Irish Government, local structures, academic, NGO and European partners. Best practice in protecting children’s rights during the pandemic will be identified and the use of CRIAs in decision-making, including in emergency situations, will be strengthened and mainstreamed throughout Europe. Evidence of CRIA implementation will also inform the EU Network for Children’s Rights work in relation to the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child 2021-2024.

If you have any questions on this please do not hesitate to get in contact with Karla Charles.

Young People – Get Involved!

Foróige is now recruiting young people aged 14-18 to be part of the Children and Young People’s Advisory Group (CYPAG) for this project. The CYPAG will advise on the consultation process, develop questions and methodology for the research, and review findings from the consultations. The CYPAG will also support the development of recommendations for post-Covid-19 responses. Participation in the CYPAG is voluntary. Travel and subsistence costs will be covered.

CYPAG members will have a number of additional opportunities. A small sub-group will be trained in the acclaimed Youth As Researchers programme by the University of Galway and will conduct consultations and research. Members can also take part in promoting and disseminating the findings, and be involved in the development of best practice tools to implement their recommendations.

There will be 5 CYPAG meetings, held online (via Zoom) and in-person. Meetings will be facilitated by staff from Foróige and the University of Galway. A record of the meetings will be kept, which may include audio/video recordings. The approximate timeline of meetings is as follows:

  1. Online meeting − early November
    2. In-person meeting − end November/early December
    3. Online meeting − early February
    4. In person meeting − early April
    5. Online meeting − end May/early June

Data Protection Policy
Participant information and contact details will be held by Foróige in accordance with Foróige’s Data Protection Policy and Procedures. This information will be held for the purpose of convening the CYPAG and contacting members.

If you have any queries please contact Marina Lambrakis, or 086 0685202
by 5pm on Friday 7th October

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