Connecting for Life Implementation Plan 2020-2022

SCI are supporting the HSE strategy below by providing training in suicide awareness that can save lives.


Driving Change Suicide Response Training


Ireland’s national suicide prevention strategy, Connecting for Life (CfL), was launched in June 2015 and
the Implementation Plan for 2017-2020 was published in late 2017.

In December 2019 the Department of Health supported an extension of CfL for a further five years,
with official approval by Cabinet granted in November 2020. In preparation for this, the HSE National
Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) was asked to lead the development of an implementation plan for
2020-2022, inclusive. A second two year implementation plan will be developed for 2023-2024.
The development of this implementation plan was rooted in the principle of learning from previous
experience of implementing the strategy, and was informed by:

• an independent Interim Strategy Review of the implementation of CfL (2018-2019);
• an online survey with all implementation partners to gather information on emerging issues relating
to suicide prevention and to seek feedback on the current monitoring and evaluation system
(December 2019);
• face-to-face meetings with all partners in government departments to discuss and agree actions for
2020, 2021 and 2022. (January-February 2020);
• an internal workshop with NOSP staff to discuss the shared priorities and goals for the next three
years (January 2020)


Full Doc – Connecting for Life Implementation Plan 2020-2022

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