CORU CPD Pre-Registration Education and Training Video Questionnaire

CORU are carrying out a questionnaire to gauge interest in the development of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) pre-registration education and training video resource for use with students undertaking education and training for work in a CORU regulated profession.
As part of the training standards for CORU regulated professions CPD is referred to in the Standards of Proficiency. In addition to this, once a graduate enters the register, they must act in line with the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics which also outlines the requirement to undertake CPD.
In light of this, we would like to know if a pre-registration CPD video resource would be useful for those teaching on pre-registration education and training programmes, for use with students.
Please find a questionnaire here in relation to the development of this CPD video resource. The questionnaire should take approximately 3 minutes to complete.
Please return by 5pm Friday 1 July 2022.