CPD and CORU Registration Open Forum

Thanks you for joining us last week for the first online open forum for CPD and CORU registration. Just to follow up with some queries ONLY Section 91 applicants under the Health and Social Care Professional Act 2005 ( as amended) will have to Grandparent in. Students on a CORU approved course listed in the bye law (under the HSCP’s Act) do not have to grandparent in they are called Section 38 applicants. Apologies if this caused confusion.

On the Social Care Ireland home page there is a CORU dropdown. We update this regularly

Grandparenting (two year transitional period 30th November 2023- 30th November 2025)

A Section 91 (S91) applicant is a person who during the 5-years before the opening of the register has been practising their profession in the Republic of Ireland for at least 2 years.

They are eligible to register using three different routes;

  • Have a schedule 3 qualification (i.e. level 7 qualification in social care)
  • Or, have a recognised equivalent qualification (these are not listed in the bye law but are taken case by case with CORU)
  • Or, prove competency to practice, the registrant will need to fill out an assessment of professional competency, a useful tool to support this is the Standards of Proficiency) This assessment of professional competency is not available yet once it is distributed by CORU we will also share.

When you register with CORU you are signing a statutory declaration that you will adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics. Under the Code section 10 you must engage in Continuing Professional Development. (some useful videos on CPD)



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