EVENT CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made up to five working days before the event are refundable. Cancellations made after this, are non-refundable. Substitutions may be made without charge at any time, please contact cpd@socialcareireland.ie to arrange the substitution.
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY: If you experience difficulties of a technical nature while placing a booking please contact info@socialcareireland.ie.
19 October, 2024: We are aware of issues adding attendee registration details and are working with the software providers for a fix.
DATA SHARING: Note that where events are online and/or interdisciplinary it will be necessary to share your email address with the facilitator.
September 5th and 6th from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm (Tuesday)
Finishing a little earlier at 3:30 pm on the Wednesday.
Cost: Free for members with a €100 refundable deposit returned when completed 80%
of the course. Please fill out this Application Form closing date is the 30th June 2023.
This is an interdisciplinary event between Social Care Ireland (SCI), The Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW), the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT), The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI), the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI), and the Society of Chiropodists and podiatrists of Ireland (SCPI).The course has been funded by the HSCP Office, HSE. As such, places are available to social care workers in the publicly funded healthcare service only.
The Decider Skills Two Day Course
The aim of the course is to teach clinicians how to present 32 CBT and DBT informed skills to clients and to discuss the development, evidence base and theoretical underpinning of each skill. These skills enable clients to lead a more skillful, less impulsive life. The Decider Skills Manual contains 32 CBT & DBT skills for individuals and groups with mental health problems. Each skill has its own evidence base, client handout, clinician page, visual and prop, and hand sign. Real-life examples are used and each skill is taught in a discuss-demonstrate-discuss format. The demonstrations bring the skills to life. The clinician page provides a detailed explanation for the clinician on how to teach and present the skill.
Learning Outcomes:
Evidence is available on the Decider website. www.thedecider.org.uk/
About the Trainers – Anu Community Healthcare Ltd.
Gina and I are both Registered Psychiatric Nurses. We set up Anu Community Healthcare Ltd in 2015 and began to offer Mindfulness courses and anxiety management courses. We trained up with Carol and Michelle the creators of Decider in 2016 and became the sole Irish Decider authorised trainers. We have ran Decider Skills courses in Ireland and Scotland since. We have delivered approximately 45 courses to date and trained almost 2000 clinicians and professionals in Decider Skills. We love teaching this course and pride ourselves in quality delivery and ongoing support for participants.
For further information see www.anucommunityhealth.com
Margaret Daly RPN, BA, MSc. Healthcare Management, Diploma. Counselling, Diploma. Care of Elderly, Diploma Social Care in Mental Health, Certified Life Coach, Diploma in Leadership and Quality Healthcare Management.
Gina Reynolds RPN, BSc,(Hons) Diploma. Counselling, Mindfulness Facilitator, DBT Therapist, Diploma. Health Promotion, Diploma. Social Science