EVENT CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made up to five working days before the event are refundable. Cancellations made after this, are non-refundable. Substitutions may be made without charge at any time, please contact cpd@socialcareireland.ie to arrange the substitution.
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY: If you experience difficulties of a technical nature while placing a booking please contact tech@socialcareireland.ie.
DATA SHARING: Note that where events are online and/or interdisciplinary it will be necessary to share your email address with the facilitator.
This is a series of six virtual workshops,
Participants can book all six together or individual days,
Date: 6th/ 13th/20th/27th October 3rd/10th November
Time: 10 am- 12 noon
Cost: Free SCI Member/ € 60 Non member
Social care Ireland are delighted to collaborate with the Open Training College (OTC) on the following series of online events. This is a bespoke series of events from the OTC Management programme. The importance of personal and professional development for managers working within human services cannot be overstated and possessing such skills contributes tangibly to quality service provision. When undertaking this series of workshops, the manager will be introduced to key management skills to develop a positive behavioural team culture and the benefits for effective management of human services. These workshops will introduce participants to behaviours that challenge explaining why this topic is a key issue in services. Definitions, as they relate to young people, will be presented and explored as well as identifying the rational for adopting positive techniques. Participants with also review relevant standards and regulations and the general legal and policy framework. Emphasis will be placed on developing proactive strategies along with functionally equivalent skills.
The material presented in this module dealing with managing positive behaviours and its ‘best practice’ application ensures that the manager will be presented with key information that will contribute to and enhance their professional development and, in turn, quality service provision.
Aim: The aim of this series of online events is to introduce the student to managing a positive behavioural team culture, the role and responsibilities of the first line manager with a focus on the personal and professional skills and attributes required to fulfil this complex role effectively.
Objectives: The series of online events has the objective of encouraging and facilitating the participant to consider and reflect on their role as a first line manager and to identify strengths and areas for development of this role currently and into the future. It also facilitates the participant to reflect upon ethical decision making and to consider the consequences in respect to this process within a human service setting.
Joe McDonald has worked in the social care sector for thirty years, during which he has held a variety of leadership roles. Over the course of his career, he has designed and led a range of services at a local, regional and national level. As an experienced trainer, Joe is passionate about enabling others so that they too can deliver positive behaviour supports and highly individualised services to those who present with behaviours that challenge.
Brendan Collins is the Course Director of the OTC’s Management Programmes. Before joining the College in 1999 Brendan worked for Enable Ireland (formerly Cerebral Palsy Ireland) for many years in first line positions culminating in his developing and leading the Community Development Programme for adult service users in Dublin. During this time he was also a member of the first cohort of students of the OTC’s management courses. Apart from his OTC management qualification, Brendan also holds a BA (Hons) in Training and Education from NUIG and a Diploma in Community Development from UCC. Brendan is a board member of L’Arche Ireland and Health Action Overseas Ireland.
6th October Webinar 1 – An Introduction to Behaviours that Challenge
This first webinar will introduce participants to behaviours that challenge explaining why this topic is a key issue in services. Definitions, as they relate to young people, will be presented and explored as well as identifying the rational for adopting positive techniques. Participants with also review relevant standards and regulations and the general legal and policy framework.
13th October Webinar 2 – Developing the Positive Behaviour Plan
The second webinar of this series participants will be presented with the skills and knowledge required to successfully complete a Positive Behavioural Plan in order to support a person effectively and in a person-centred manner. Emphasis will be placed on developing proactive strategies along with functionally equivalent skills.
20th October Webinar 3 – Key Management Skills
In order to assist in developing a positive behavioural team culture, the process requires distinct management skills. In the third webinar, participants will review key management skills such delegation, negotiation and motivation and will explore ways in which they are currently utilising these skills and also how they might be applied in the future.
27th October Webinar 4 – The Periodic Service Review
The Periodic Service Review (PSR) is a system that provides the tools needed to enhance and maintain high quality service delivery and is highly effective in assist to create a positive behavioural team culture. In the fourth webinar, participants will study the four distinct but inter-related elements of PSR and will identify approaches whereby they can apply this system to their own work environments.
3rd November Webinar 5 – The Communication Process
Good, strong communication skills form the foundation of solid positive behavioural team cultures. The fifth webinar will present participants with key insights on the skills required to develop and enhance communication skills and to identify and manage poor communication systems. Participants will also explore strategies to assist in managing conflict scenarios and also to develop and utilise creative problem-solving techniques within their areas of responsibility.
10th November Webinar 6 – Recap, Review and Reflect
In the final and sixth webinar, participants will be facilitated to review the learning experienced by their attendance at each webinar and will also be guided in developing a plan of action that can then be implemented within their own areas of responsibility in order to create and effectively manage a positive behavioural team culture.