Fostering Invite online information event 29th July

Have you ever thought about becoming a Tusla foster carer?
Tusla – the child and family Agency in Dublin Mid Leinster are looking for people from communities all across the region who might be interested in becoming a foster carer to a child.
Tusla foster carers all have positively transformed the lives of vulnerable children and young people, by helping to provide a safe and loving home environment, where they can grow, flourish and reach the best of their potential.
By offering children the opportunity to remain living in their locality we allow them the chance to stay in their familiar school; attend their regular activities; see their friends and extended family and maintain consistency during a time of enormous upheaval. So we are reaching out to everyone in our community to start the conversation about becoming foster carers.
You could be raising amazing by providing a child or young person with the ordinary things in life. You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect foster carer. What you must have is a strong desire to provide a child with nurturing environment in which they can develop. In return, you will gain the satisfaction from helping a child to reach their potential in life, and doing so, creating a long-lasting legacy of change.
Tusla Now Needs:
- Foster carers from a diverse range of backgrounds.
- Foster carer at all stages of life
- We are seeking foster carers just like you to provide a safe and stable environment to a child in need.
- We require foster carers to assist us with short-term, emergency, longer term and respite fostering around Ireland, especially in the greater Dublin area, and in large urban environments.
Foster carers are a diverse group of people who come from all walks of life.
Foster Carers can be:
- Couples – married, co-habiting, same gender
- Single people – widowed, separated, divorced
- People with disabilities – provided your disability or medical condition does not prevent you from caring for a child
- People with or without children
- People who own their own homes, are in private rented accommodation or local authority housing
- Employed / Unemployed people
- Those over 40 years of age
- Those who smoke
- People from different cultures, ethnic or religious backgrounds – having carers from different cultures allows us to match children and young people with suitable families
However, in All Cases it is Important That:
- You can provide a stable, nurturing and loving environment for children
- You relate well to and have respect for children
- You do not have a Garda record for violence, offences against children or other serious offences
- You can demonstrate flexibility, openness and patience
- You are willing to attend training courses to support your ongoing learning and skills base.
- For more details on our fostering requirements click here
- You must also abide by our national fostering standards.
If you would like to know more we are holding an online information event on:
Date: July 29th Time: 11.30 am Via: Zoom
To Register for this information session visit;
Tusla Fostering on Eventbrite or email