Members of The Wheel’s Social Enterprise Network are invited to register now for this latest network meeting on policy developments and other issues relevant to social enterprises in Ireland. Much has transpired since the last network meeting in March 2020.
The Wheel will update attendees on issues discussed at the last member network meeting and new developments, including:
- The National Social Enterprise Policy and the Implementation Group chaired by the Department of Rural and Community Development
- Priorities for implementing the policy and what it means for the community and voluntary organisations who engage in social enterprise
- Challenges facing social enterprises and how these can best be advanced in the current context of COVID-19.
The presentation and update will be followed by an informal discussion, where members can raise concerns or highlight any important issues.
The Wheel is a member of the implementation group for the Social Enterprise Policy and we will be seeking to engage their members to the maximum in the roll-out of the policy.
Please email Lucy Hayes at to make an input or if you would like to join the network.
We hope you will join The Wheel on 10th November.
This event will be held on Zoom. Please register below. Meeting details will be sent to you after registration. Please note that this online event will not be recorded.