PETMA© – Train the Trainer Programme Level 1 April 25th and 26th , May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 2024

PETMA© is an Irish, human right based approach to supporting service users who may get verbally or physically distressed at times. PETMA© focuses on preventing service users from getting distressed, using intense modules to facilitate an understanding of the realities of having disabilities and how this impacts their ability to understand and comprehend information. The training focuses on stressors, triggers, functions and maintain factors. It provides training on de-escalation techniques such as understanding, empathy and collaboration. It is a powerful training that equips staff to develop meaningful relationships to support service users to a calmer place. A TNA is conducted before any training to determine if and what physical skills are relevant to the organisation. Participants must be sponsored by their organisations who will be required to agree to an MoU. PETMA© is the only Irish based behaviour support model on the Island of Ireland, and one of the first models to successfully achieve BILD Act certification and Restraint Reduction Network Accreditation in both the UK and Ireland.
Next available dates are as follows.
Dates: April 25th, 26th 30th and May 1st and 2nd 2024
Closing date 1st April but would be great to let Petma know in advance of your intent to take places.
Venue: Springfield Hotel Leixlip. Co. Kildare
Interested – If you would like to Apply
Please complete the application form by clicking this link