Statement from Minister of State for Disabilities Anne Rabbitte to the members of the Disability Participation and Consultation Network

20th June 2024

Statement from Minister of State for Disabilities Anne Rabbitte to the members of the
Disability Participation and Consultation Network

“As Minister of State for Disabilities at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability,
Integration and Youth, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all DPCN members
for your work and dedication since the formation of the Network in 2020. The DPCN has been
an important platform for disability stakeholders and for public bodies to engage in consultation
activity and for capacity building for all parties. It has been an important step in Ireland’s postCRPD ratification landscape and has supported Ireland in working towards the progressive
realisation of its obligations under the Convention by providing a platform to support
engagement and input into policy making. I am very grateful for the time, the commitment, the
energy and the insight that members gave to the process and to the shared goal of improving
outcomes for disabled people in Ireland.


Read Full Statement Here

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