Action Needed – Sign the Petition! Stop the exclusion of Health and Social Care Professionals (HSCPs)

The HSE have decided to exclude Health and Social Care Professionals from representation on the Senior Management Team, in the new HSE Health Regions. They are the only clinical group to be excluded from this important decision-making structure.

This is backwards step at a critical time. We need to act now.


Sign the Petition here  if you agree – HSCPs need a seat at the table! 

The HSE restructuring should be about integrated care and more efficient services. It should be about patient safety and well-being, and supporting the professionals who provide these services.

We’re calling on Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, to directly intervene, so we don’t have to spend the next 20 years trying to rectify this mistake.

Because you can’t integrate care – if you exclude the people who provide that care.

Why is this so important?

  • HSPCs are the second largest clinical group so should have a senior management role, on par with those already agreed for other clinical groups.
  • Their exclusion contradicts the stated aims of Sláintecare, that of “integrated delivery of care in the right place at the right time”.The role would provide a diversity of input and expertise that will bring significant added value for people who require integrated health services.
  • It is an essential element of appropriate clinical governance and assurance which is a requirement for patient safety.

The professionals delivering these services deserve better than this and so do the patients relying on them.

Do you agree? Then sign the petition and demand better for #TeamHSCP.

For more information, read the National Health & Social Care Professions Office Position Paper.

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