Title Foundations in Autism: From Theory to Practice – 7 Module Programme

Title: Foundations in Autism: From Theory to Practice – 7 Module Programme


Accreditations – Endorsed by Social Care Ireland & has been awarded 28 CPD by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), reflecting its high standard and relevance for professional development in healthcare.

 Overview: Autism Programme

The Autism Programme is a comprehensive, cutting-edge training series designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively understand and support autistic individuals. Grounded in a neurological perspective, the programme connects theory and practice to provide evidence-based strategies tailored to the unique needs of this population. Here’s how the programme stands out from a marketing perspective:

Aim of Programme

The aim of this programme is to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of autism, its core characteristics, and associated challenges, framed within a neurological and practical context. By exploring evidence-based strategies, learners will be equipped to support individuals with autism effectively, foster inclusive environments, and promote lifelong development and well-being

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

  1. Neurological Framework
  2. Comprehensive Content:
  3. Practical, Actionable Insights:
  4. Targeted for Diverse Audiences:


Each Module is €39.99 or Purchase the Bundle of all 7 for €159.99

Module 1: Introduction to Autism

Module 2: Characteristics of Autism

Module 3:  Sensory Processing Disorder

Module 4: Communication and Social Interaction

Module 5: Autism, Mental Health, and Co-Occurring Conditions

Module 6: Lifespan Perspectives on Autism

Module 7:  Autism People and the Law

Module 1 – 7 Bundle €159.99 – Foundations in Autism: From Theory to Practice Modules 1-7 Bundle


Interactive elements of the programme

This programme incorporates various interactive components designed to engage learners actively and facilitate the application of knowledge to practice. These elements ensure that learners not only acquire theoretical insights but also develop practical skills to support individuals with autism effectively.


  1. Pre- and Post-Quizzes: Measure knowledge and application before and after each module.
  2. Case Studies and Scenarios: Real-life examples to build critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Practical Exercises: Hands-on activities like social stories and sensory-friendly strategies.
  4. Videos: Expert insights and real-world demonstrations.
  5. Reflection: Journaling and prompts to connect learning with practice.
  6. Problem Solving: Interactive challenges for real-world autism support.

These ensure engagement, practical learning, and application.


Full Details Here

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