UCD’s Professional Certificate In Neurodiversity – NHSCPO Funding Available

Recognising the importance of supporting the professional development needs of HSCPs working in our health service, the National Health and Social Care Professions Office (NHSCPO) is delighted to be in a position to offer funding for 10 places on UCD’s Professional Certificate in Neurodiversity. Expressions of interest are being sought from individuals currently providing care to service users with neurodiversity. The course is delivered in a blended approach, with a series of two-hour evening sessions with two workshop days, completed over one semester starting in September 2023. For further details and to check if you meet the course eligibility requirements please use the following link.


To apply for this professional development opportunity please complete this application form and return to Michele.rohan@hse.ie by 5pm Friday 14th July 2023. If oversubscribed, selection will be based on relevance to current role, and will take into consideration an equitable distribution across professions and geographical region.


HSCP Office are currently in the process of arranging further training in the area of Children’s Mental Health and this will take the form of a short course (2-3 days) provided most likely through a blended approach of online and in-person participation. Further details to follow in the next month.


EOI for funding UCD Prof Cert Neurodiversity – NHSCPO Application Form

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