Upcoming Event Ensuring a human rights-based approach to care when supporting Adults Ageing with Intellectual Disability

“Ensuring a human rights-based approach to care when supporting Adults Ageing with Intellectual Disability”
Date: 6th March 2025
Online via Microsoft Teams 10am to 1pm
Facilitator: Michelle Carter (MSc in Ageing Health and Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability)
Registration details and further Information: info@agewithid.ie
Ageing with an Intellectual Disability is often a more difficult process than ageing in the general population due to premature ageing and secondary conditions. One of the greatest challenges is ensuring that adults ageing with an intellectual disability have equal access to health, social participation, inclusion, and all the factors which enhance the positive ageing experience. Ensuring Autonomy and involving adults ageing in their own plans is of the utmost importance. Older people prepared for later life approach this with more confidence and are better able to cope with the challenge.
Aims of this workshop
Health and Social Care Professionals will learn and develop skills in the following areas:
- Generate greater knowledge and awareness of a human rights-based approach to care when supporting adults ageing with Intellectual Disability.
- Ensure human rights are incorporated to all aspects of ageing especially involvement of adults ageing around all areas of their care and retirement planning.
- Reflect on the key themes/outcomes that support a rights-based approach to ageing with intellectual disability.
- Consider the challenges for individuals ageing with Intellectual Disability and how these can be supported.
- Highlight key findings from the latest IDSTILDA Wave 5 Report
- Improve social care workers understanding and confidence in supporting adults ageing with intellectual disability.
I have 25 years’ experience supporting adults with an Intellectual Disability both as social care worker and Person In Charge. I have completed an MSc in Ageing, Health and wellbeing in Intellectual Disability and have a Certificate in Training and Development. I have also had a role with IDSTILDA as a Field Researcher for the latest Wave 5 Report published November 2023. I have been facilitating these workshops and guest lecturing in colleges around this topic.
If you would prefer in person workshops for your team or workshops for individuals supported, please feel free to contact me also at info@agewithid.ie