We Act Anniversary – Tell Us Your Story!

Only weeks away from ‘We Act’s’ anniversary!
It’s been one year of sharing uplifting stories from the sector and highlighting all of the incredible work from charities and community groups.
On 27th Oct, ‘We Act’ will showcase all of the work that’s gone into the campaign in the past year and give you a chance to tell people what you love most about working in the sector. Whether you’re a volunteer or paid staff, we would like to know what keeps you motivated and what wakes you up every day.
Stories will be shared on social media channels throughout the day and celebrating all of the people who organise, activate, inspire and ignite change around them. If you’d like to submit your story, you can do so by filling out this quick form. You’ll be asked to provide a quote, an image, and if you’re up for it a video of you telling us your big ‘why’!
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please email madeline@wheel.ie.