What the Decision Support Service & ADMC Act 2015 means for Wards of Court

The Courts Service and the Decision Support Service (DSS) are hosting a collaborative online event on the 24th May 2022 at 4.30pm.

About this event


Purpose of the event:

The purpose of this information session is to outline and explain the changes to wardship that will be brought about by the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015, which is due to commence in June 2022. Once the Act commences, there will be a period of three years to be discharged from wardship, before wardship itself ceases.


Discharge from Wardship

Whether you are going to request a discharge from wardship in the first year, or indeed wait, this is an opportunity to hear and understand how the Office of Wards of Court and the Decision Support Service are working together to prepare for the transition and what you should expect.

The event will also be recorded and available to view afterwards.

Register Here

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