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CÚRAM Magazine

The CÚRAM aims to provide relevant articles, book reviews, research and information on practice related issues for Social Care Workers. Click here for access.


This hub provides links to online learning courses, guides and videos for frontline staff, students and academics, as well as people using health and social care services.

These materials support the implementation of national standards and the development of good practice. Click here for access

Assisted Decision Making

E-learning course on the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015s. Click here for access.

SCI Competence Development Framework from the National Institute of Intellectual Disability Studies

Learn more here.

Health and Social Care Professionals Office

A Strategic Guidance Framework for Health & Social Care Professions 2021-2026 Click here for access 


Fundamentals of good communication: How to have effective everyday conversations Click here for access 

(The above material is also available on the Tusla website Click here for access)

National Standards for social care workers Click here for access 

Crisis, Concern and Complacency

A study on the extent, impact and management of workplace violence experienced by social care workers. Click here for access.

Social Care Institute for Excellence

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is a leading improvement support agency and independent charity, working with the care and support sector in the UK. We co-produce our work with people who use services and carers. Click here for access.

Self-care in Social Work

This website is devoted to the self-care of social workers and similar helping professionals. Click here for access.

ThemPra Social Pedagogy

ThemPra is a social (pedagogical) enterprise supporting the sustainable development of social pedagogy through a range of short courses, organisational capacity building and whole-systems strategies. Click here for access.

The Homeless Hub

Research and information on issues related to homelessness. Click here for access.

Mental Health Reform

Promoting improved mental health services in Ireland. Reports and submissions on mental health policy and practice. Click here for access.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland

Link to research, publications and reports. Click here for access.

Findings of Workplace Violence Study

A study into the extent of workplace related violence experienced by Social Care Workers in residential Disability Services. Click here for access.

Restricted to SCI Members

To gain access to the below resources you will need to login.

The Link Newsletter

The Link Newsletter is published by the IASCW. It aims to provide IASCW members with articles, updates, communication around issues relevant for Social Care Workers. The Link is edited by Noel Howard, IASCW Co-ordinator. It is available to Full members.

Social Care Ireland Annual Conference

Past presentations and workshops delivered at Social Care Ireland Conference.


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