December 14, 2021

NAS & the Patient Advocacy Service: Launch of Annual Report 2020

(sent on behalf of Louise Loughlin, NAS National Manager) Dear colleagues, I am delighted to launch the 2020 Annual Report of the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) and the Patient Advocacy Service.  Watch a video message welcoming the Annual Report 2020 from Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD. Read the Annual Report 2020 (Click on Link) Read the Easy-to-Read Version (Click on Link) The Annual Report presents the key activities, statistics and achievements of both Services during a challenging year that was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. For people with disabilities, the Covid crisis, its restrictions […]
December 14, 2021

PEIN Response to Government Plans for International Protection Reforms

Summary The Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) joins with our many colleagues in welcoming the Programme for Government commitment to end Direct Provision, the conclusion of the recent Advisory Committee that the current Direct Provision system is ‘not fit for purpose’, (Government of Ireland, 2020: 10), and the publication of a Government White Paper on ending Direct Provision. Further, we welcome the recent announcement of the independent Oversight Group established to monitor progress of the implementation of the White Paper. The Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) is a membership organisation representing individuals and organisations working with children and […]
December 7, 2021

HSCP National Innovation Fellowship Post – Spark Innovation Programme

The  HSCP National Innovation Fellowship Post which is now advertised on HSE website (  As communicated in the latest National HSCP Office newsletter (published Oct 21), this post has been created to provide an opportunity to lead, contribute and support innovation through the Spark Programme. It is a part-time role, providing a HSCP an exciting opportunity to develop their leadership skills whilst maintaining their clinical practice. The Spark Innovation Programme runs multiple initiatives each year, namely Spark Seed Funding, Design on the Front line, the hospital innovation fund and the HSE-HIHI Spark Ignite competition. To date, HSCPs have demonstrated remarkable interest […]
December 2, 2021

Assisted Decision Making draft Codes of Practice

The  consultation process on a number of the draft codes of practice on the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 was launched last week by the Decision Support Service, the oversight body for the Act. You can find information on the Codes consultation at The following codes are included in the consultation process: Code of Practice on Supporting Decision- Making and Assessing Capacity Code of Practice for Health and Social Care Professionals Code of Practice on Advance Healthcare Directives for Healthcare Professionals Code of Practice for Designated Healthcare Representatives   The closing date for any feedback to the Decision Support Service […]
November 26, 2021

Training Needs Analysis 2022

Dear Member, Social Care Ireland (SCI) has a designated CPD Coordinator. Their role is to complete a Training Needs Analysis with its members on an annual basis. This can take into account what new practices or models of care are being developed or implemented into practice. We need to gather this information so we can plan for next years CPD events/webinars, workshops and conferences. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the below survey – your feedback is important to us! If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch. Many thanks, Social Care Ireland SURVEY HERE  
November 16, 2021

Implications for Open Disclosure in Mental Health Service

National HSCP Office: Invitation and Link for Open Disclosure Webinar – Wednesday 17th November at 11am – “Implications for Open Disclosure in Mental Health Services” A gentle reminder in relation to tomorrow’s webinar “Implications for Open Disclosure in Mental Health Services” presented by Gary Watkins, Clinical Safety Manager, St John of God Community Services. This webinar takes place on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 11am. Full details for this webinar are outlined in the email below. This webinar has been awarded 1.5 CEUs by NMBI and 2 CPD points by RCPI . Please note that CPD is only available for those who […]
November 10, 2021

The Wheel – Public Calls Launched for Open Government National Action Plan

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform is inviting participation in the creation of Ireland’s next Open Government National Action Plan. Maximising participation in national policymaking is an important objective and we encourage members of The Wheel to engage in the development processes detailed below. Open Government in Ireland states that “Open government is a culture of governance that promotes the principles of transparency, integrity, accountability and stakeholder participation in support of democracy and inclusive growth”. Your  can get involved by: Applying to represent civil society on the Open Government Round Table (deadline: 16 November 2021) Submitting and sharing ideas for the next and future Open […]
November 5, 2021

Workers Advisory Group Survey Social Care Ireland.

Workers Advisory Group Study Social Care Ireland. The Workers Advisory Group within Social Care Ireland would like to invite you to participate in a study examining social care workers views around the context, conditions and perceptions of social care work and the potential benefits of registration. This study has two elements, an online survey and follow up interviews. The survey is anonymous and no personally identifying information is collected. As most of the questions are in a tick-box format, the survey should take no more than 15minutes to complete, we appreciate the demands upon your time. You can express an interest […]
November 2, 2021

Healthcare and Law Workshop

Online Healthcare and Law Workshop for HSCPs  November 23rd, 24th & 25th. 2021 (Tues-Thurs)  Start 9.30am. Finish: 1pm.     Zoom Online Workshop    These three half day workshops are for Health and Social Care Professionals who need to know more about the implications of current healthcare legislation for their own practice and, where relevant, for that of their staff. COVID19 related issues will be included too.  This bespoke three half day programme facilitated by La Touche Training will give delegates a full understanding of what they need to know from a legal perspective. The course will explore relevant legislation through use of case studies, and reference to current policies/guidelines and their practical […]
October 27, 2021

Fostering a Creative Social Care Community using CPD

The Creativity and Innovation in Social Care (CISC) network is a voluntary and professional educational body committed to the advancement of creativity and innovation in social care education and practice in Ireland to enhance the learning experience for students and improve the delivery of social care.    In December 2020, the network was awarded €6,000 by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education under the Network and Discipline Fund 2020 to support the development of creativity in social care professional work and related educational practices (see This funding was directed towards the use […]
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