January 8, 2024

Call for submissions – February edition of Practice Links

If you have anything you would like to share with colleagues through Practice Links (events, publications, websites, reports, blogs, video links, new practice-focused apps, call for papers, useful social media accounts, videos, etc.), please email details to k.burns@ucc.ie by the 15th January. The next edition of Practice Links will be circulated at the start of February.Submissions should not be more than one A4 page, ideally shorter. There is no charge to include materials. We don’t accept advertisements. Where possible, include a high-quality PDF or JPG of your images/logos/flyers/poster etc. The team reserve the right to not include materials, and we cannot always guarantee inclusion due to space considerations. We do not publish articles or opinion pieces.Practice Links is circulated to c. 1,400 email […]
December 4, 2023

Understanding Social Care

Understanding Social Care An interesting read for Social Care Practitioners. Abstract “There is a good chance you are reading this because you are planning to be, or already are, a social care practitioner. Yet for many in Irish society, even those entering the field themselves, the meaning of the term ‘social care’ is not self- evident. A common question directed at social care students and professionals alike is, ‘What do you do?’ Misconceptions abound and in many cases practitioners are not accorded the recognition or status they deserve, partly as a consequence of a limited understanding of what the term […]
November 30, 2023

Social Care Workers – New Statutory Register Opens

  The day has finally arrived! Social Care Workers in Ireland will come under new regulation by CORU, Ireland’s multi-profession health and social care regulator, from 30 November. The regulation of Social Care Workers will promote high standards of professional conduct, education, training, and competence amongst those working in the profession, for the purpose of public protection. Welcoming the opening of the Social Care Workers Register, Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly said: “Today is the culmination of many years of dedicated work by CORU, the Social Care Worker Registration Board and many others. Social Care Workers are extremely important health […]
November 20, 2023

PRESS RELEASE: 2023 Parent Peer Support fund now open for applications

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, has today launched the 2024 Parent Peer Support fund. The fund is open to organisations working with parents and/or children and young people to facilitate the development and support of parent peer support groups.Beneficiaries of the initial round of Parent Peer Support funding included organisations working with parents of LGBTI+ children, parents of children with a disability and parents of children who have recently migrated to Ireland.This year, a total of €75,000 will be made available to 37 organisations with each successful applicant receiving €2000 to provide and promote […]
November 15, 2023

CPD E-HUB Courses

The Countdown is on for the Registration of Social Care Workers  The Social Care Workers Register will open on the 30th of November 2023, according to the Social Care Workers Registration Board. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is one of the key mechanisms used to foster high standards of professional conduct and professional education, training, and competence among registrants. This requires social care workers to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. CPD is a mechanism for maintaining registrants professional knowledge and skills. The National Institute of Intellectual Disability have put together some course bundles for Health & Social Care […]
November 9, 2023

Social Care Workers to be Regulated in Ireland as New Statutory Register Opens on 30 November 2023.

    CORU is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator whose role is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals. On 30 November 2023, the register opens for social care workers in Ireland in preparation for the title “Social Care Worker” becoming protected from 1 December 2025. This will mean that only those who are on the Social Care Workers Registration Board’s register will be permitted to use the title from this date forward. Regulation aims to protect the public by promoting high standards of […]
November 3, 2023

Social Care Work: An Introduction for Students in Ireland

Social Care Work: An Introduction for Students in Ireland, 4th ed. has just been published by the Institute of Public Administration. Co-edited by Kevin Lalor (TU Dublin), Perry Share (ATU) and Dr Teresa Brown (TUS).  It contains 29 chapters covering all aspects of social care work in Ireland and is a significant expansion and update on the 3rd edition in 2013. Please see full details via the below link.         Social Care Work: An Introduction for Students in Ireland (ipa.ie)
November 3, 2023

Developing Your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy – 6th December 2023

The Wheel  invite you  to join them on the morning of Weds, 6 December (10am – 11am) for their Developing Your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy FREE webinar. This will be your chance to get a practical introduction to the increasingly important topic of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in your workplace. We’ll have four speakers on hand from across the sector, each with their own unique perspective on implementing and developing a successful EDI policy for their organisation. Meet the Speakers Caroline Flynn is the Partnerships and Engagement Manager at BeLonG To.  Pierre Yimbog is a Co-founder and current Managing Director of Black and Irish. Ciara […]
November 1, 2023

CORU Registration – 30th November 2023

ITS REGISTRATION MONTH   On Thursday 30 November 2023, CORU’s register will officially open for social care workers. Regulation recognises the critical role this profession plays in society and will enhance the public’s confidence in the social care work profession…   Read about the work of CORU as it prepares to open registration for Social Care Workers.   https://www.coru.ie/social-care-workers/
October 31, 2023

Sponsorship at the Annual Social Care Ireland Conference 2024

Social Care Ireland is the representative body for Social Care Workers, Managers and Educators in Ireland and we are delighted to inform you that we are presenting our Annual Conference in Cork in April 2024. As a Charity, we rely greatly on sponsorship in order to present our Conference and we are grateful for all contributions by our Sponsors over the years. Currently there are approximately 10,000 people who work in the Social Care Sector in Ireland, which makes us the largest Health & Social Care Professional grouping in the country. Our Annual Conference takes place on the 10th & […]
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