December 14, 2022

NAS and the Patient Advocacy Service: Launch of Casebook 2022

  Social Care Ireland are delighted to announce that the first casebook developed by the National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) and the Patient Advocacy Service was launched today. The Casebook contains a selection of the many advocacy cases worked on by both of our Services over the past couple of years, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a source of information for anyone who wants to find out more about our work and its impact. Read the Casebook (Click on Link)   The Casebook provides an insight into how independent, professional advocacy can positively impact on people’s lives and […]
December 5, 2022

International Children’s Peace Prize 2023

KidsRights annually awards the prestigious International Children’s Peace Prize to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. The winner receives: The “Nkosi” statuette which depicts a child that sets the world in motion; The “Desmund Tutu” study and care fund to enable the child to obtain an education;  A project fund of €100.000, which is invested by KidsRights in relevant children’s rights projects that are closely connected to the winner’s area of work. In addition, winning the International Children’s Peace Prize gives the winner a global platform to promote their work. For example, last year, the winner’s message reached […]
November 21, 2022

Preparations for full commencement of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act (2015)

Efforts are still underway to prepare for the commencement of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 (the 2015 Act). In early September Mr Roderick O’Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) announced that the 2015 Act would commence on the 21st November 2022. As the amending bill is still being debated in the Seanad, commencement will now not happen in 2022. It is expected that commencement will now happen in early 2023. While we await full commencement there is time now to support staff to access the extensive learning supports that have been developed over the […]
November 16, 2022

PEIN podcast: Perspectives on Prevention

We are delighted to share the latest episode of the PEIN podcast: Perspectives on Prevention. In this episodeDr Dympna Cullane, who manages the Our Time Programme in England, talks about working with families where a parent is impacted by mental health issues, giving a language and tools to enable children and parents to discuss and understand mental health difficulties. Dympna also talks about the importance of destigmatising and taking a systemic approach. Listen Here
November 16, 2022

Public Consultation on the Draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care

We wish to advise you that the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is running a public consultation on its Draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care. The public consultation will run for eight weeks, and will close at 5pm on Monday, 19 December 2022. The aim of the Draft National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care is to provide a roadmap to improve the quality of national health and social care information, which will ultimately contribute to the delivery of safe and reliable care. They will apply to all services and organisations that […]
November 16, 2022

Mental Health and Self-Care (Level 8, 5 ECTS credits)

In MTU we are running a 5 Credit CPD Module for social care workers in semester 2 titled ‘Mental Health & Self Care’. Classes will be delivered online on Tuesday evenings 6pm-9pm, classes will also be recorded and available for students to access at a time of their convenience. Course Start Date: Tuesday 24th January 2023 Close of applications date is Monday 16th January 2023. Register Here
November 15, 2022

STEAM Training For Social Care Educators And Social Care Workers

The Creativity and Innovation in Social Care (CISC) Network is hosting an upcoming training session in a STEAM approach to Social Care. Delivered by Kinia, this CPD course will take place on Friday, 25th November 2022 from 10.00am – 4.30pm ‘in person’ in the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Athlone campus), University Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. The CPD training will focus on how to use STEAM activities to engage children and young people in fun, creative projects – and doesn’t know where to start! This full day of training will appeal to those working with children and young people and social care educators. The fee for the […]
November 4, 2022


The National Health & Social Care Professions Office has announced  funded places on the MSc in Digital Health Transformation. for 2023.   This course aims to develop digital health transformation skills, knowledge and abilities to: Explore healthcare ecosystem developments, engaging patients, providers, payers, policy makers to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing to realise the value potential of these innovative partnership; Lead core, adjacent and transformation innovations in a healthcare environment, taking a disciplined approach to advancing their understanding of exponential technologies (such as mobility, genomics, imaging and analytics) in order to realise the transformative power of digital disruptions The application process is […]
October 26, 2022

Beyond a trauma-informed approach and towards shame-sensitive practice – 2nd November 2022

Join Dr Matthew Gibson, Associate Professor, University of Birmingham, as he looks at moving towards shame-sensitive practice.   Wednesday 2nd November 2022, 1-2pm  Register via Eventbrite HERE   In this session, Dr Gibson will outline how the trauma-informed approach fails to adequately theorise and address shame, and that many of the aims of the trauma-informed approach are more effectively addressed through shame-sensitivity. He will then outline what shame-sensitivity is and how to practice it.   Matthew Gibson is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in the School of Social Policy. His research interests relate to emotions and professional practice, particularly the emotions of pride and shame. Matthew […]
October 25, 2022

#TeamHSCP #ChiefHSCP Survey

Fórsa is currently finalising a position paper which will call for the urgent establishment of a Chief Health and Social Care Professional (HSCP) Office within the Department of Health. Such an office, on par with the Chief Nursing Office, would provide expert advice and strategic leadership to Government and the broader health service on the role of HSCPs. The position paper will be utilised as a cornerstone for our #ChiefHSCP campaign. The purpose of this short survey is to provide members and potential members with an opportunity to express their support for the campaign. The information gathered in this survey will […]
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