April 22, 2022

HSCP Day 2022 – Recognition, Reflection and Renewal Wednesday, 27th April, 2022.

The theme is Recognition, Reflection and Renewal.    Recognition – We want to recognise the effort, above and beyond the call of duty, for service users/patients  as well as the sacrifices HSCP and all staff have made over the past two years. Reflection –  This is an opportunity to reflect and remember the loss on so many levels during the pandemic. A chance to reflect on the changes to our lives and work and what we might propose to carry forward. Renewal – A chance to recharge and take time for ourselves to refresh and recover and think about the future. We encourage […]
March 30, 2022

Digneys Head Shave – SCI Annual Conference – 6th April

Conference attendees, don’t miss John’s live head share for charity on Wed 6th April (Radisson Hotel) @ 5.15pm. For those of you that can’t make it on the day. John would really appreciate any donation you can give. Well done John – two great causes! We’re looking forward to seeing the end result 🙂 Read John’s full story below Full Story/Donate Here
March 30, 2022

Functional Vision and Technology. Thursday, April 7th (2.00pm – 3.00pm).

Child Vision invite you for another series of collaborative workshops between ChildVision and Sight and Sound Technology where they will discuss ways of maximising functioning and residual vision with the assistance of technology’.    Event Info Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModOqurDgqH9Et5uPFVKfzj1IdQ9PzcCKf After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This event is free of charge.
March 24, 2022

Mindfully Waiting For Easter With Sr. Stan

A Special Donation Based Online Event Spring and Easter are a time for light, rejuvenation, rebirth and new life. It is a time for the unfurling of fresh shoots of inspiration and a time when the seeds of ideas, that have lain dormant over the dark months of winter, start to break through their hard shells, moving towards fruition. The Sanctuary brand New Easter Line up is no different! We have some past favourites and some new shoots on the bill. So if you are looking for a way to bring in some deeper meaning this Easter season, they have […]
March 11, 2022

Event – Child Protection and Welfare; Everyone’s responsibility Tuesday, March 15th (10.30am – 12.30pm)

Child Protection and Welfare; Everyone’s responsibility Tuesday, March 15th (10.30am – 12.30pm) Presenter: James Forbes; Director of Social Care.   In addition to addressing child abuse under the traditional headings of neglect, emotional abuse and sexual abuse, this presentation will also reference relevant legislation and pay particular attention to specific issues arising in respect of better protecting children with disabilities from abuse.’   Zoom and in person event. (Venue: Conference Centre)   Zoom details: You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Mar 15, 2022 10:30 AM Dublin   Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvdOqurTgiE9GC86e2Bun9GsffwTXz7VWI   After registering, you will receive […]
February 25, 2022

Call for submissions: April edition of Practice Links

Dear colleagues, If you have anything you would like to share with colleagues through Practice Links (events, publications, websites, reports, blogs, video links, new practice focused apps, call for papers, videos, etc.), please email the full details to k.burns@ucc.ie by Monday 21st March. The next edition of Practice Links will be circulated in the first week of April.Submissions should not be more than one A4 page, ideally shorter. Where possible, include a high-quality PDF or JPG of your images/logos/flyers/poster etc. The PL team reserve the right to not include materials, and we cannot always guarantee inclusion due to space considerations.Practice Links is circulated to c. 1,200 email addresses and read by over double that amount […]
February 25, 2022

Communications Coordinator

The Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) is recruiting a part-time (25 hours/ week) Communications Coordinator to drive the implementation of CDI’s Communications. Strategy and provide leadership and guidance to the CDI team in relation to communications, marketing and dissemination. For a full Job Description and the Application Form, please see: www.cdi.ie Closing date for applications is 4pm, Friday 4th March 2022. CDI is an equal opportunities employer.     CommunicationsCoordinator_Advert
February 21, 2022

HSCP Day 2022 – Recognition, Reflection and Renewal Wednesday, 27th April, 2022.

The theme for this year’s HSCP Day  is  Recognition, Reflection and Renewal. Recognition – We want to recognise the effort, above and beyond the call of duty, for service users/patients  as well as the sacrifices HSCP and all staff have made over the past two years. Reflection –  This is an opportunity to reflect and remember the loss on so many levels during the pandemic. A chance to reflect on the changes to our lives and work and what we might propose to carry forward. Renewal – A chance to recharge and take time for ourselves to refresh and recover and think about […]
February 9, 2022

HSCP Reps-Integrated Community Case Management System Work Stream

HSCP representatives are now being sought to join the Integrated Community Case Management System Work Streams. Please find attached the Expression of Interest form. HSCP are invited to submit their expression of interest to richard.smith@hse.ie by COB Monday 21st February. Expression of Interest Form
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